What Is The Leonardo Trait Creativity In Action


I as of late started contemplating why I’m this way. Trust me, in the event that you know me, you’d comprehend what I mean, and you’d presumably concur that simply realizing my family isn’t sufficient.

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I have two rates. One is stop, one is go.

I can’t chip away at one anticipate, I must have five.

Of the twelve undertakings I have open, I’ll just completion seven.

I don’t know which seven it will be, so I need to chip away at all twelve until I make sense of it.

I can’t choose one thing I need to do. At the present time I’m figuring out how to digital recording, strolling in good cause strolls, and setting up teleseminars, while composing a book.

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My preferred individual ever, after Amelia Earheart, is Leonardo da Vinci. Amelia Earheart is my preferred simply because I was a young lady during the 1970s and female good examples were uncommon; I’m not surrendering my first icon.

I like to believe that if Leonardo were alive today, individuals would call him “unusual,” urging him to “finish what you start,” and–my top choice alluding to him as “handyman and ace of none.” Then I like to think about those individuals out of nowhere acknowledging who they’ve been reprimanding.

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You know? Wouldn’t that be entertaining?

All things considered, obviously it won’t occur, yet what can happen is that you and I can perceive the Leonardo Trait in ourselves and one another and let up on ourselves. Nobody else will do it for us.

Offer yourself a reprieve, Leonardo.

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